Special Report 2: Op Ed: Coronavirus: The USA is Fucked Big Time.

By writer working for Anime Fan Helper, @animefanhelper

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Hello and Welcome to Anime Fan Helper. Welcome to our Special Report Number Two. Since so many closures and postponements happened in the last week, it made no logical sense to even update our last Special Report. CoronaCraze has vamped up to an 11 with over 75 million Americans told to stay home across multiple states. The US government is in a panic trying to catch up with other countries with Donald Trump being the major cause for the panic. Despite being aware of COVID-19 since at least January 2020, the US failed to prepare for the worst by stockpiling masks and other needed supplies. Until recently Donald Trump was calling COVID-19 a hoax created by the Democrats and fake news leading all who believe his lies into a panic as well. This has led to a shortage of supplies and a massive recession in the economy.

Yes, that is right, a recession! Our economic experts, as well as others, predict this economic recession will be worse than the Great Depression. Millions are being either fired (aka let go) or put on non-paid leave from work for at least 30 days. The ones hit hardest by this are individuals and families who work from paycheck to paycheck. While there are millions filing for unemployment insurance, millions will not be able to do so because they are on unpaid leave and have not been working for a business for more than 6 months. The US Government is putting together a stimulus package worth between 1 and 2 trillion dollars as a way to help Americans get through this. We predict that this stimulus package will fail the American people especially the poor and unemployed.

On another news front, every pop culture convention from now until May has either been postponed or canceled. We expect more in the coming weeks. So check your local convention website to find out which cons have been canceled. It's looking like Spring 2020 con season is already over.

Oh, have we mentioned Donald Trump closed the boarder with Canada and Mexico for all non-commercial use? So if you're a truck driver moving goods you are good, but if you are a person who goes to Mexico or Canada to buy cheaper medication since the US healthcare system is messed up, you are pretty much screwed. And you're under shelter at home order so hopefully you stocked up on the medications you need to survive and toilet paper during the time when the government was calling COVID-19 a democratic hoax. This is pretty strange, toilet paper crazy has struck the world. Apparently, people will be shitting their brains out during this virus because across the world toilet paper has become the hottest commodity right up there with masks and hand sanitizer. Toilet paper is so valuable right now, it may be more valuable than a COVID-19 test.

Another thing, Donald Trump was claiming there are enough tests for everyone who wants to be tested. This is a massive lie. Although the time to find out if your positive for COVID-19 has shortened, there are still not enough tests for everyone. Across the country, local governments have stepped up where the federal government failed and are using state money to buy the tests and set up drive up testing. They do say they only want to test people who are more high risk, basically anyone over 50. They will turn away young people who are not showing symptoms. The current country winning testing is South Korea with testing up to 10,000 people a day.

Don’t worry Anime Fan Helper is in the same sinking ship. Even before this, we were barely making pennies and on the verge of shutting down. That's why we launched weekly and monthly raffles. With no participants, however, we are forced to postpone the raffles. This has put us in a bad situation and we need your support to keep us afloat. You can donate to us through either PayPalor Patreon . With funding, we would be able to have money to pay our workers and hire others to turn out more stories and add more games. If you don’t find it in your heart to give to Anime Fan Helper, we may not survive and grow.

To leave you with some brighter news: Tomorrow we will be dropping our Top 30 Anime to watch while in quarantine. So stay tuned for that. As always, we ask you to leave your thoughts on this dire situation in the comments below.